The Saving Delaware History Podcast
The Saving Delaware History podcast explores the fascinating facets of Delaware history. Each episode covers a location, project, or research by the HCA including origins of the endeavor, interviews with experts, and its largest impacts. Delaware’s Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs continues its mission of preserving and interpreting Delaware history by providing the staff and funding for this podcast.
Podcasting since 2020 • 42 episodes
The Saving Delaware History Podcast
Latest Episodes
A New Podcast: After the Canary Song
Named after the canaries common in coal mines towards the beginning of the 20th century, After the Canary Song examines the true stories behind popular disaster songs. This podcast from the Johnson Victrola Museum discusses the origina...
Our Final Episode
This is the last episode of The Saving Delaware History Podcast. Thank you for your support and please continue exploring your local history. Learn more about the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs at
Milford Museum
In the hometown of nine governors, the birthplace of Dixie cup wooden spoons, and the site of the first attempt at integration in Delaware lies this post-office-turned-museum, displaying collections of the state bug, Milford inventions, and Wor...
Season 2
Episode 2
Collections: Shipwreck Artifacts
When the distant Canadian descendants of Commander Drew of the sloop DeBraak came looking for the watch imprinted with their family crest, they found it carefully conserved within the Division for Historical and Cultural Affair’s archives of th...
Season 5
Episode 3
"The Milford Eleven" from The Education Trust
As one of the first communities to attempt desegregation, Milford, Delaware grappled with an uncooperative state government, prolonged harassment of minors, the resignation of an entire school board, disenrollment of any integrated student, and...